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A great amount of information and fine photographs can be found at the Grand Rapids
Public Library. Photos with the GRPL watermark came from there. Website:
The photo of the high school and the panorama of the river came from the Library of
The finest early history through 1891 is "History of the City of Grand Rapids, Michigan" by
Albert Baxter, 1891. The 1891 maps of Grand Rapids came from Baxter's book.
The most comprehensive history available is "The Story of Grand Rapids", Z.Z. Lydens,
editor, 1966.
"In Celebration of Gand Rapids" by E. Arlinsky & M. Kwapil, 1987. Large format book with
good photos. Written with the Chamber of Commerce, it emphasizes business history.
"Pictorial History of Grand Rapids", by Lynn Mapes & Anthony Travis
"A Citizen's History of Grand Rapids, Michigan" by William J. Etten, 1926.
"History of Grand Rapids and its Industries: by Dwight Goss, 1906. This was a fine source
of information about the printing and electrical businesses.
"The City of Grand Rapids and Kent County, Michigan; up to date: containing biographical
sketches of prominent and representative citizens". Published by A.W. Bowen & Co., 1900.
The pictures of downtown Grand Rapids and of Hudsonville came from the Michigan State
University website - The Making of Modern Michigan:
An excellent source for digitized books and photographs are the Rootsweb sites for Kent
County and Ottawa County. Website:
The colored Reed's Lake picture is from Penny Postcards from Kent County Michigan:
Other useful sources of digitized books and source data are the Western Michigan
Genealogical Society at and the Michigan Family History Network at
Some details on Reformed Churches in America came from Dan Knight's research on the
growth patterns of churches in the Grand Rapids area, at the web site - Reformed.Net
Many details about the churches in Hudsonville and Gano-Chicago were researched by the
wonderfully helpful people, Michael Douma and Lori Trethewey, at the Archives of Holland,
at Hope College, Michigan. They provided a photo of the original South Blendon Church in
Hudsonville and copies of several documents from both churches' archives.
Georgetown Township, Ottawa Co., history and photos at:
(revised 06-2006) - Bibliography - - page 9 -