Page 121 - Poat_to_Poot_Engels
P. 121
town of Northfield, Massachusetts he founded a girls seminary and a boys
school. In 1886, Moody started the Bible-Work Institute of the Chicago
Evangelization Society. (This was renamed the Moody Bible Institute in
late 1898 shortly before his death.) When the 1893 Chicago World's Fair
was held, Moody organized another revival. Millions attended these
meetings and two million people signed his guest register! Moody is
believed to have preached directly to about 100 million people during his
When the Poots were still living in Friesland, they had become aware of
Moody's religious work. Mr. Moody was the most influential evangelist of
the 1800's and can be compared the Reverend Billy Graham of the 1900's.
Mr. Moody was an important leader and source of inspiration for the
evangelic religious movements in America and in Europe. His influence
was multiplied by the thousands of Christian ministers, of many
denominations, who attended the religious conferences he organized.
When Mr. Moody made his second tour of Europe in 1881-1884 he
strengthened the resolve of ministers like JW Poot to seek change in the
Reformed Church. This eventually lead to the Poots' decision to move to
America in 1887. You could argue that the corruption in Chicago set forth
a sequence of events that helped bring the Poots to America!
In Chicago, the period 1890 through 1892 was one of frenzied
construction and development as the city prepared for the World's
Columbian Exposition of 1893. Their famous "L" or elevated train was
built to improve city transportation. Another major project was the
construction of the University of Chicago. Both the Fair and the University
were located in the neighborhood named Hyde Park. The University was
funded in 1890, largely by donations from John D. Rockefeller and
Marshall Field. Prominent educators were recruited from around the world
and instruction began in October 1892. The University offered both
undergraduate (4 year) and graduate (Masters and Ph.D.) degrees. The
Poots would have read publicity about the new school and may have seen
it during one of their trips to Chicago. The Poots visited the 1893 World
Fair and they probably attended Moody's revival. The Midway
(entertainment zone) of the 1893 World Fair extended to the edge of the
University. The University of Chicago became one of the most influential
schools in America.
JW Poot's oldest son Will (or William or W.F.) was a young man of great
intellect and energy. He could be described as a budding "Renaissance
man", who loved life, athletics, music, art, mechanics, science, and
politics. Yet in spite of his many interests, he retained his childhood
desire to become a minister and preach the Word of God. To accomplish
his goals, Will may have moved to Chicago as early as 1895 while his
family was still living in Hudsonville, Michigan. In Chicago, Will Poot would
study at the University of Chicago and at the Moody Bible Institute.
- Chicago, College, and Marriage - page 2 -